Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every Tuesday has another topic and different bloggers give their top ten. I love making lists, so here's mine for this week!
This week's topic is
Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start But Haven't
Let's be honest: there are too many series I want to read, but still haven't started yet! Every time I think about it I get anxious, because I really want to read those books/series and I'm afraid I'll never get around to it. I know this is a bit ridiculous, because you can't read all the books (unfortunately!). I must say that I day dream a lot about being free for a couple of weeks and all I do is read books. Sounds like heaven!
But we're not here to listen (or actually read) to me rambling about all the books I haven't read yet. Although I have a lot more to say on the subject (like: when I made this list a few weeks back I'd put Unearthly on it and I've read it by now or mentioning all the series I did start, but haven't finished yet), I won't. So here's my Top Ten this week!
I own the first book series
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
I own the first book and almost bought the second one yesterday. I loved her VA series and I hope this one's just as good!
Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent
I bought Soul Screamers Volume 1 (books #0,5 #1 and #2) after the TTT with our favorite series/books. Everyone was raving about it and I just had to buy it. Like with all the books on the list I really want to read them, but when?
Legend by Marie Lu
Another series I've heard so many good things about. That's why I bought the first book. I wanted to read it very soon (we're talking end of December 2012), but life got in between (and a lot of ARC's and review copies).
Charley Davidson by Darynda Jones
I won the first book in the series a few weeks back and I'm really happy with it, because I heard amazing things about it. I kept being hesitant if I wanted to read it, but I want to read it now!
Lux by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I'm putting this one somewhere in the middle of the list in the hopes you won't notice I haven't read this one yet. I know I should! It's life changing if I have to believe all the amazing reviews. And there's the problem. I'm so afraid it will disappoint. The good news is I own Obsidian, so in the end I shall have to read it.
Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness
This is one of those series I've heard good things about, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. But if I look at the books I've read and loved so far. Quite some books that I loved I was hesitant about in the beginning! The Dutch translation got published a few weeks back, so now I'm out of excuses not to read it!
Hourglass by McEntire
You know what the dangerous part of an e-reader is. I forget half the books I have on it and when I'm browsing my to-read shelf on Goodreads I'm thinking every time: Oh, I still have to read that one! I'm in love with the covers of this series!
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Someone should stop me buying more books, before I read all the ones I own now! I own the first book and at one point I almost started it, but in the end I chose another book and it still sits there being pretty on my e-reader.
I want to own and read this series
Daughter of Smoke
and Bone by Laini Taylor
I shall be completely honest with you I haven't bought (and so started) this series yet, because I don't like the UK cover. I know I'm so shallow, but the US one is so pretty and it just breaks my heart buying the less pretty one when I know this beauty is out there!
Eve by Anna Carey
There are a lot of books on my wish list, which is no surprise I guess. This is one of the series I haven't started yet, but really want to!
What series do you need to start reading soon? And which ones on my list should be read next? Let me know!