Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday Freebie!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every Tuesday has another topic and different bloggers give their top ten. I love making lists, so here's mine for this week!

This week topic is 

Top Ten Tuesday Freebie! 
Bookish Confessions

Our time to pick whatever topic we like! I missed out on the TTT Bookish Confessions a couple weeks ago, so this is my change to share them now!

1. DNF

I rarely DNF a book. If I don't like a book I skim. You could say this is a kind of DNF, but I always hope a book gets better eventually. And I'm just afraid of missing out on something. So I can't just put it away. 

2. Library
I don't own a library pass. I know I should, only to save money. But the library here mostly has Dutch books and their English YA section is pretty bad. So I don’t really see a reason why I should bother.

3. Names
I'm horrible with remembering names. Sometimes I just forget the name while I'm reading the book. I think it's horrible and I really try, but I'm pretty good in remembering what happened in the story. So I guess that counts for something.

 4. Reading and walking
When I'm on the train/bus/metro (any public transport), and I'm almost at the end of a book (or chapter or in the middle of a really exciting part) I keep reading. I stand up, get off the train/bus/metro and read while walking. So far I haven't caused any accidents with this behavior, so I guess I’ll just keep doing it!

 5. Writing reviews
This one is bad: when I'm asked by an author to write a review I get this feeling it must be a good book and I'm just stupid for not liking it. So I give the book a slightly higher rating than I actually think it’s worth it. Like I said: really bad. I should stop this immediately! 

6. Harry Potter and ereaders 
When Harry Potter began it's hype I swore to never read it. I thought it was 'stupid'. My sister (who barely reads) loved them, so when she went to see the first film I had to come and I fell completely in love with the series. My sister never finished it, but I've reread it multiple times now! I did the same thing with ereaders. I didn't like them at first, but if anything would happen to my Kobo now I'll cry!

 7. Book love
I get angry when people don't like the books I love. It's a bit stupid, because I also believe that not everyone can love a book (or anything else for that matter). But really not liking a book I love, that stings!

 8. Non-readers
I don't understand non-readers. And I really mean: not for one bit. How can you not love reading?!

 9. Books and movies
Readers always seem to have an answer to the question what books they want to see made in a movie. I never do. I see the story as a movie in my head, but I rarely envision the characters as people I 'know'.

 10. Bookshelves
When I'm new in someone's home the first thing I check out are the bookshelves. I don't really judge people by it, but I think it's just nice to know what kind of books they read (or think they should have on their shelves).

What is your TTT Freebie pick? Leave your link in the comments!


  1. Hi Helène, just stumbled accross your blog today. As a Dutch speaking Belgian, reading almost exclusively in English, I have the same issue with libraries. If only they had English (e-)books to lend!

  2. Ha ha! I read and walk at the same time - haven't had an acciedent in thirty years ;-)

  3. Love the list! I can relate to quite a few - especially not DNF'ing books - I skim if I have to, just to get through it.

    Tanya Patrice

  4. 90% def apply to me. love this list. we did this one a while back two. i also don't have a library card, or ever go in one..great pick! this one was so hard for me to do too! Check out our Top Ten Fictional Crushes Katie @ Inkk

  5. This list made me laugh :) I have most the same confessions! But I still haven't read Harry Potter...don't kill me! Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  6. I agree with no. 1 - I try my best to finish something but some books are just so terrible you just can't be done :D
    I actually do have a library pass, I've had it since I was very little. I loved books even then and I need it for school nowadays. I know hos it feels when your library has crappy English section, same here. :)
    And I also get a little upset when someone doesn't like the book I loved so much. It's weird but I feel like they're a bit odd :D
    And yes, how can people not read?

  7. I don't have a library pass either. I used to, but I have the same problem. The library nearby doesn't have the English books I like to read and I don't like to travel so far for renting books :p I'd rather buy them, haha.

    I hated e-readers, but I bought one because it would be easier to bring books on vacation. Now I love it, but I still prefer my paperbacks.

    I. can't. understand. non-readers. I just can't. And I always check out other bookshelves :p


  8. I love your TTT topic! I share #'s 1, 2, 7, 8 and 10! I'm the same way when someone doesn't like a book I loved (especially HP)...I try not to let it bother me, but it always kinda does. I very rarely dnf a book either but I don't skim. Once I'm at the point where I haven't even gotten a smidgen of interest, I kinda get mad (I know this is silly) so I tend to just chuck the book somewhere and then put it in a pile of books to give away LOL

    Thanks for sharing :) Old follower, here's my TTT

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  9. I don't get people who aren't readers either. I mean I can understand if they don't read to the same extent as I do, but not to read at all. I don't get it. I also was a huge library believer in the beginning, but since I've begun blogging it's become a must. But I have a pretty fantastic library.

    Great List!!

  10. Wow love your list... I do a lot of the same things (except I love libraries and I do DNF sometimes). I love looking at peoples bookshelves, I'm book-obsessed like that!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  11. I definitely get what you mean with Book Love! It makes me sad when people don't like books that I love. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course. And I totally do the bookshelf thing too! I'm not judging them, unless they don't have a single bookshelf in their house!

    My TTT

  12. Awesome list! I don't finish every book, but I might got to Google and look for a spoilery review. I read everywhere too! I also don't understand non-readers, but alas, I have two in my immediate family.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Hehe, I was a bit of the same way with HP and e-readers. I remember seeing the HP books (I think 1-3) at the store when I was in high school and snubbing my nose at them for their kiddy-looking covers and titles. I was a teenager now, and these were just kid books. Then my dad brought me back a copy of Sorcerer's Stone on a business trip and...OMG I couldn't get enough.

    I'm not quite as obsessed about my Kindle, though I do enjoy going on freebie shopping sprees whenever I can. And one of these days I'll actually get down to reading them! In the meantime, I'm trying to sell my mom & grandma on them. Mom for the free romances she can get, Grandma for the large print options - no more holding up a magnifying glass and grasping pages at odd angles to keep them open! It's a slow-going process.


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