I finished The Fault in Our Stars by John Green yesterday. So that's one of my goals crossed off! It's been so long since I read a book in one day. It felt amazing! I stayed up late and cried like a baby girl, but it was so worth it!
This morning I started Breathe by Sarah Crossan. So far it's pretty good. I don't think I'll be finishing this one tonight though. But tomorrow is ok.
So for today's mini-challenges:
1. Hosted by Better Read than Dead
"You're in a bookstore and you've just purchased 5 books
you've been dying to read, when the apocalypse hits. (Zombie, Demons,
Vampires, Dean Winchester vs. Sam Winchester (yes, I'm watching Supernatural
reruns) I don't care what apocalypse). You've got one chance at survival, what
2 books do you take and what 3 other items do you take?"
This took some thinking, but I decided to take a survival book (any survival book) and Harry Potter. I know it's not very original, but it's the only book I can re-read forever. For the other three items I would take a sword (I know, classy right ;)), my phone and chocolate, lots of chocolate!
2. Hosted by IB Book Blogging
"Make your dream guy using characteristics,
personalities, looks, and anything else you can think of from your favorite
book boyfriends."
This one is though and easy at the same time!
Looks is easy: a combination of Lucas from Easy by Tammara Webber and Gabriel Merrick from the Elemental series by Brigid Kemmerer. Both very, very hot. He should have Augustus' personality, from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (I know I only finished the book yesterday, but I kinda fell for him). I love his humor, but he can be serious when he needs to be and he's a bit mysterious. He just has it all!
And now comes the though part. I'm just not the kind of girl who has a lot of fictional crushes. So I just don't know what other characters I would like to see mixed up in my dream guy. For now, I leave at this :).
I'm going to read again!
Happy reading!
A sword is a good idea and chocolate is a wonderful thought!