Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every Tuesday has another topic and different bloggers give their top ten. I love making lists, so here's mine for this week!
Young Adult / New Adult
Obvious maybe, but I do pick up a book when I know it's young or new adult.
This week's topic is
Top Ten Words/Topics
That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book
It took some thinking before I came up with this list! I'd never really thought about what words/topics make me pick up or buy a book instantly. These ten came up!
Young Adult / New Adult
Obvious maybe, but I do pick up a book when I know it's young or new adult.
Magic / powers
I love reading about magic and/or powers! Harry Potter, The Elemental series, the Winter trilogy, I love them!
I love reading about magic and/or powers! Harry Potter, The Elemental series, the Winter trilogy, I love them!
Fairytale re-tellings
When I was young I loved reading fairytales and now I read the re-tellings!
What's a story without a little romance?
What's a story without a little romance?
There are way too few books that include dancing!
Mythical creatures
Vampires, werewolves, mermaids, fae, you name it: YES!
Time traveling
Books with time traveling really need some thinking! Sometimes they even give me a headache! But I love them.
One of my favorite genres!
One of my favorite genres!
It's a bit the same as with the fairytales. I love re-tellings and learning more about the original stories this way!
I discovered contemporary as a genre only last year and I absolutely love it! Most of my favorite books right now are contemporaries.
What words/topics make you pick up/buy a book?
I discovered contemporary as a genre only last year and I absolutely love it! Most of my favorite books right now are contemporaries.
What words/topics make you pick up/buy a book?